CSB Consulting  


CSB Consulting
Phoenix, AZ
phone: (623) 825-3827
fax: (623) 321-1987




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We have all heard the saying that “Time is Money.” While this cliché has good intentions, the reality is that you can always get more money (by earning, inheriting, receiving gifts, etc.).  But you can never get more time. And wasted time cannot be replaced.

You have the same amount of time each day as every other living being. World leaders, your colleagues, the boss and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies all have the same amount of time each day.

We each have 24 hours - 1440 minutes – 86,400 seconds in a day. How we use those hours, minutes and seconds is what shapes our lives. You already have all the time there is. You have your 86,400 seconds to work with – no more and no less.

In this issue, we discuss:


The Difference Between Time Management and Controlling Events

When we think of Time Management, we really mean controlling the events that touch our lives. We cannot make time do anything. Time is, it was, and it will be. We can only manage the actions that we take during the time that we have. Good Time Management really means that you have control over what you do with the time you have. Click here to read more...

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The Major Time Robbers and How to Avoid Them

Do you ever wonder where the day went? Do you ever feel you didn’t get anything accomplished, but you never stopped? These days happen because we haven’t been able to control Time Robbers.
Time Robbers take us away from what we should be doing. If you do not identify the culprits and create a plan to eliminate them, you will continue to waste time each day in the same way, and continue to follow the same pattern. Click here to read more...

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How Owners and Managers Should Manage Their Time


Given the current economic climate, there’s no better time than now to step back and ensure you are capitalizing on your worth to your agency. Here are five steps that, if followed, will make sure that you and your staff is doing so. Click here to read more...

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Effecticely Scheduling Your Time to Maximize Your Accomplishments

Given the current economic climate, there’s no better time than now to step back and ensure you are capitalizing on your worth to your agency. Here are five steps that if followed, will make sure that you and your staff are doing so. Click here to read more...

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Vacationing for Better Health and Productivity

The Advertising/Creative Industry has always been very fast paced with heavy workloads. As a nation, we now work 160 hours more each year than we did in 1976 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That is about one month more. Click here to read more...

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